8 Keterampilan Dasar Mengajar
Posted : admin On 04.10.2019Keterampilan dasar mengajar (teaching skill) adalah kemampuan atau keterampilan yang keterampilan yang bersifat khusus yang harus dimiliki oleh guru, dosen,instruktur, atau widyaiswara agar dapat melaksanakan tugas mengajar secara efektif, efisien dan profesional (As. Glicman, 1991).
Keterampilan Dasar Mengajar (KDM) merupakan keterampilan yang kompleks, yang pada dasarnya merupakan pengintegrasian utuh dari berbagai keterangan yang jumlahnya sangat banyak. Diantara keterampilan yang sangat banyak tersebut, terdapat 8 KDM yang dianggap sangat berperan dalam keberhasilan kegiatan belajar mengajar. Keterampilan Dasar Mengajar. BAQIR YASIN, MM. Menurut hasil penelitian (Turney, 1973), ada 8 komponen keterampilan dasar mengajar.
This research is a descriptive qualitative research purposes to identify the level of basic teaching skills of the prospective primary school teachers through microteaching subject and to find out the problems of basic skills mastery of the prospective primary school teachers in STKIP Muhamamdiyah Bangka Belitung. There are 5 basic skills assesed, include: 1) asking skills, 2) strengthening skills, 3) providing variaton skills, 4) explaining lesson skills, 5) opening and closing skills. The subject of this research is 42 college students in fifth semester who took microteaching subjects in academic year of 2018/2019 as sample. This research was conducted for 6 months and the research instruments were in the form of observation sheets and interviews.
The identification results of basic teaching skills showed that 1) mean score of asking skills is 80.36, categorized as excellent, 2) mean score of strengthening skills is 84.23, categorized as excellent, 3) mean score of giving variaton skills is 77.20, categorized as excellent, 4) mean score of explaining lesson skills is 75.51, categorized as good, 5) mean score of opening and closing skill is 77.45, categorized as excellent. While, the problems that is faced to the prospective primary school teacher on mastering the basic teaching skills are feeling nervous, thoughtless materials, the teaching process is not based on lesson plan set, and students lack of practice.
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8 Keterampilan Dasar Mengajar Bagi Guru
Review Keterampilan Dasar Mengajar.1.REVIEW OF TEACHING BASIC SKILLS AS A BASED OF TEACHINGAND LEARNING STRATEGIES THE CURRENT APPROACH ININDONESIAN EDUCATIONByYudha Andana PrawiraSurel: yudhaandanaprawira@kemenag.go.idAbstractTeachers as a profession is a unity between competency, the demands of the profession, and hobbies. Thispaper hopes to explain the role of the teacher in the learning process and applies the appropriate curriculum touncover the role of teaching the basic skills for success in learning. Teaching basic skills is forgotten in thepresence of a variety of approaches, strategies and models of learning. Based on the results of the review to onemodel of learning is throwwing snowball type learning, in each step or syntax snowball throwwing, requiredifferent teaching skills.
Thus, teaching basic skills are needed in the implementation of a model or any typeof learning. Teachers can implement and apply a variety of models and types of learning properly if himexpert of the learning basic skills well too.Keyword: learning, modeling, and teaching basic skills1. ProblemsThe third approach is part of a scientific strategy has the advantage of curriculum ineducation of Indonesia.