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Posted : admin On 25.10.2019Dec 31, 2004 - 1) Evaluation of the satisfaction of living globally (life. Mengajar Guru Sekolah Dasar Negeri di. (downloaded) by his friend. Teachers in the form of document files (pdf, doc, xls. Pendidikan Bahasa dan Sastra Indonesia, Jakarta. Sulawesi (1999), Riau (1999), even East Java and Madura.
.Darma Rika Swaramarinda2014-03-01Full Text Available This study was conducted to identify the competencies of graduates FE UNJ waiting times based upon the profile of the work, the suitability of the first areas of work, salary and perceptions about the competence of the alumni corporation. This research is a qualitative study and the population are alumni of the Faculty of Economics who working in government agencies, private and entrepreneur and graduated from the period 2011/2012 to 2012/2013. Sample of the population is set at 10% of the total population, and using a technique convenience sampling ( non probability sampling.
The data used in this study is primary data obtained from interviews and use the questionnaire instrument. Data were analyzed using descriptive statistics by looking at the frequency distribution and the average of respondents answers regarding the competence of graduates of the Faculty of Economics UNJ. 92.8% of alumni of the Faculty of Economics working as employees of the company, 5.8% be a teacher, others go to college and as entrepreneurs. The average waiting time for alumni FE UNJ only takes waited less than 6 months to get a job. The level of salary received at the time of the first alumni of work varies with an average of 2-3 million by 49% and between 3 million and above by 23%. The level of compliance competencies and job average amounted to 77% of alumni and competence of alumni based on the user 's perception was expressed by 71% of alumni FE UNJ have a good competence.Atthaillah Athaillah2017-07-01Full Text Available ABSTRAK Penelitian ini melakukan investigasi performa pencahayaan alami pada Gedung Program Studi Arsitektur Fakultas Teknik (PAFT Universitas malikussaleh. Berdasarkan observasi pada gedung PAFT, ruangan-ruangan pada bangunan cenderung gelap dan memakai bantuan pencahayaan buatan walaupun pada siang hari, serta memiliki lahan sempit sehingga cahaya alaminya terhalang oleh bangunan perimeter.
Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk menganalisa performa pencahayaan alami khususnya faktor pencahayaan alami (daylight factor pada gedung PAFT dan memberikan solusi desain untuk meningkatkan performa pencahayaan alaminya. Metode penelitian dilakukan melalui simulasi Komputer (computer simulation dengan software Velux Daylight Visualizer versi 2.0 untuk perhitungan faktor pencahayaan alami.
Hasil menunjukkan bahwa permasalahan disebabkan oleh beberapa faktor diantaranya adalah kedalaman ruang, posisi ruang, pemilihan material bukaan, penempatan bukaan yang tidak sesuai, kondisi sekitar bangunan (penghalang bangunan, dan Window Wall Ratio (WWR yang kurang memadai. Selanjutnya, penelitian ini memberikan solusi seperti meningkatkan WWR (menambah dan memperluas bukaan, mengganti warna interiordengan warna yang lebih cerah seperti warna putih, mengganti material bukaan dengan nilai Tvis lebih tinggi (0,850 dan menambahkan shading devices pada tempat-tempat yang dianggap Membutuhkan untuk menghindari efek silau berlebihan dalam ruangan.
Kata kunci: Pencahayaan Alami, Faktor Pencahayaan Alami, Velux Daylight Visualiser 2.0, Simulasi Komputer ABSTRACT Daylighting provided significant benefits such as visual comfort and energy saving for a building. In addition, it improved productivity and welbeing of its occupants. As an educational building for architecture, the building of Prodi Arsitektur Fakultas Teknik (PAFT Universitas Malikussaleh, needed to pay attention to its daylighting performance. As observed, on the one hand, spaces within the.Alloni, Kevin Yudhistira; Riyadi, Riyadi; Dewantara, Rizki Yudhi2017-01-01This study aims to find the cause of the problem on the website of BASP FSA UB, find the reasons for the analysis and design of website, and to describe the analysis and design of BASP FSA UB website so the website becomes more informative, could create relationship with student, and help the service of Business Administration Study Program. This research is conducted in Business Administration Study Program Faculty of Administrative Science Universitas Brawijaya Malang, at Jalan Major Genera.Kurniawan, Erick2015-01-01Teknologi Cloud Computing adalah paradigma baru dalam penyampaian layanan komputasi.
Cloud Computing memiliki banyak kelebihan dibandingkan dengan sistem konvensional. Artikel ini membahas tentang arsitektur cloud computing secara umum dan beberapa contoh penerapan layanan cloud computing beserta manfaatnya di lingkungan universitas. Studi kasus yang diambil adalah penerapan layanan cloud computing di Fakultas Teknologi Informasi UKDW.Hill, I.R.; Sibbald, A.M.; Donepudi, V.S.; Adams, W.A. (Ottawa Univ., ON (Canada).
Electrochemical Science and Technology Centre); Donaldson, G.J. Of National Defence, Ottawa, ON (Canada))1992-06-01Microcalorimetry studies were performed on commercial lithium/thionyl chloride cells to investigate whether there was a change in reaction mechanisms in the temperature range between 25 deg C and -40 deg C. The entropy change associated with cell discharge was calculated from the calorimetry data and was also determined from the temperature dependence of the open-circuit potential. The entropy changes determined by the two methods are compared and discussed in terms of the electrolyte composition variable. (orig.).Sukamto Sukamto2017-11-01Full Text Available AbstrakPenelitian ini membahas tentang aplikasi portal akademik berbasis mobile, studi kasus pada D3 Manajemen Informatika Fakultas Matematika dan Ilmu Pengetahuan Alam Universitas Riau. Aplikasi ini dapat mempermudah mahasiswa khususnya mahasiswa D3 Manajemen Informatika dalam melakukan pengisian Kartu Rencana Studi dengan menggunakan Smartphone Android.
Pembuatan Aplikasi mobile ini menggunakan bahasa pemograman Java dan MySQL sebagai database. Sedangkan dalam perancangan aplikasi menggunakan Unified Modeling Language (UML yaitu Use Case Diagram, Class Diagram, Activity Diagram, dan Sequence Diagram. Kata kunci: Aplikasi Portal Akademik, Mobile, Kartu Rencana Studi, Smartphone Android. AbstractThis research discusses about Portal Academic Application based Android Mobile with case at Diploma of Information Management the Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences, University of Riau. This application can facilitate in particular the Student Information Management Diploma in charging Card Study Plan that has been using smartphones based on Android.
Making mobile applications using the programming language Java, and PHP, and then MySQL as database. While the design of the application using the Unified Modeling Language (UML, Use Case Diagrams, Class Diagrams, Activity Diagrams, and Sequence. Keywords: Portal Academic Application, Android Mobile, Study Plan Card, Android Smatrphone.Setyowati, Mega; Kusumawanto, Arif; Prasetya, Agus2018-05-01Waste management is a part of the green campus achievement program.
Universitas Gadjah Mada has a Standard Operating Procedure for managing produced waste. Waste produced by each building or work unit is temporarily accommodated in the waste depot before dumped into the landfill. This research aims to study the waste management system in UGM, in accordance with the concept of a green campus. The concept of green campus to improve the efficiency of waste management needs to be supported by various parties. The success of the green campus program relies on an integrated approach, a sustainable implementation that involves stakeholders of the university.
In actualizing the concept of a green campus, the university has its own waste processing system. The organic produced waste is processed into compost, while plastic waste is converted into alternative fuel. Overall, the waste management system that UGM owns is ineffective and inefficient, it was proved by the fact that there is still much waste dumped into the landfill. UGM provides a laboratory that is specialized to process waste that is produced by UGM. It is planned to be able to reduce the amount of waste that is dumped into the landfill. According to the results, vermicomposting technology, the manufacture of liquid fertilizer from leachate, and the manufacture of the composite from a mixture of leaves and paper were offered as solutions.Se Tin2004-01-01Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis.
Membandingkan dan membedakan personal values yang dimiliki oleh mahasiswa akuntansi dan mahasiswa kedokteran pada universitas swasta di Bandung. Data penelitian dikumpulkan dengan cara survei, yaitu dengan membagikan kuesioner kepada mahasiswa akuntansi dan kedokteran yang duduk di semester empat ke atas. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa ada perbedaan personal values yang signifikan antara mahasiswa akuntansi dengan mahasiswa kedokteran. Ini ditu.Devinta Puspita Ratri2017-04-01Having a big number of students in content subject of a language class is a challenge for teacher since it is quite difficult to accommodate students’ critical thinking and active participation at the same time.
Therefore, Hedwig strategy is aimed to give room for students to explore themselves and get involved in the materials delivered in the class. Furthermore, by having group and regroup to deliver message in Hedwig strategy, students are forced to be active participated in classroom activities. The idea of Hedwig strategy is inspired by Jigsaw and Think-Pair-Share which have existed before. To know whether Hedwig strategy is effectively applied in content subject in large language class, it is proposed to do quasi experimental study with one class as an experimental group and one class as a control group. The experimental group is treated by using Hedwig strategy. Prior to the experimental study, it is performed research and development to develop the test for pre-test and post-test. For that reason, the research problem is what test is valid and reliable for an experimental study on the effectiveness of Hedwig strategy for the 4th semester students in Language Teaching Methodology class in English Education Department Universitas Brawijaya.
This research reports half of the whole plan where the researchers developed test for pre-test and posttest to measure students’ improvement in understanding Language Teaching Methodology. In short, the test developed in this study will be used to carry out experimental study as pre-test and post-test.Mega Prani Ningsih2016-10-01menjelaskan bentuk implementasi Program PPG SM3T dalam membangun kompetensi guru geografi alumni program SM3T.
Bentuk implementasi Program PPG SM3T meliputi proses pengembangan kurikulum hingga penilaian kompetensi guru geografi. Kompetensi yang dimaksud adalah kompetensi pedagogik, kompetensi kepribadian, kompetensi sosial, dan kompetensi profesional. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian studi kasus di Universitas Negeri Malang. Teknik pengumpulan data dilakukan melalui wawancara mendalam dan dokumentasi. Analisis data menggunakan model interaktif Miles dan Huberman.Neumann-Cosel, P V1999-01-01The nuclei sup 4 sup 8 Ca and sup 9 sup 0 Zr were investigated in 180 deg. High-resolution inelastic electron scattering for momentum transfers q approx =0.35-0.8 fm sup - sup 1. Complete M2 strength distributions could be extracted in both nuclei up to excitation energies of about 15 MeV utilizing a fluctuation analysis technique.
Second-RPA calculations successfully describe the experimentally observed strong fragmentation of the M2 mode. The quenching of the spin part is found to be comparable to the M1 case, contrary to previous claims suggesting a stronger reduction. A quantitative reproduction of the data requires the presence of appreciable orbital strength which can be interpreted as a torsional elastic vibration (the so-called twist mode).Dyah Chandratika2015-05-01Full Text Available Penting untuk dilakukan penelitian mengenai gangguan cemas pada mahasiswa kedokteran karena tingginya tingkat stres mahasiswa terutama pada tahun pertama perkuliahan. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui prevalensi dan perbedaan skor gangguan cemas pada mahasiswa semester I dan VII serta untuk mengetahui perbedaan skor gangguan cemas antara mahasiswa laki-laki dan perempuan di Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Udayana. Desain penelitian ini adalah cross sectional analitik.
Pengambilan sampel dilakukan secara random sampling. Sampel mengisi identitas, kuesioner L-MMPI, kuesioner Hamilton Anxiety Rating Scale (HARS.
Kemudian dihitung prevalensi gangguan cemas tiap kelompok serta data dianalisis menggunakan uji t-independen. Terdapat 15 orang (25,0% mahasiswa semester I dan 7 orang (11,7% mahasiswa semester VII yang mengalami gangguan cemas. Dari hasil uji t-independen antara skor gangguan cemas mahasiswa semester I dan VII diperoleh nilai p = 0,001 ( 0,05.
After the distribution was proven to be normal, corelation and regression test was executed to discover the relation between BMI and saliva flow rate. Based on the correlation test result, BMI of college students of the Dentistry Faculty Andalas University is χχ ± SD = 24,6 ± 6,02 kg/m2 and saliva flow rate is χχ ± SD = 0,29 ± 0,1 ml/minute. The relation between BMI and saliva flow rate expresses medium correlation with negative direction ( r = - 0,451. The result of linear regression shows that Saliva Flow Rate = 0,404 - 0,008.(BMI. The coefficient of regression BMI 0.008 shows that increasing 1 unit of BMI will decrease saliva flow rate 0,008 ml/minute. This study concludes that there is correlation between Body Mass Index and saliva flow rate.
Obesity group has the lowest saliva flow rate, while the saliva flow rate does not decrease in underweight group.Karto Iskandar2014-12-01Full Text Available The role of knowledge in developing and maintaining an organization has been strongly regarded as a very important asset. Bina Nusantara University is one of the universities that is aware of the importance of book as main knowledge media in the learning process. Reviewing books and sharing the results can be a major resource to perform maintenance on knowledge and accelerate the learning process. A problem that occurs in Bina Nusantara University is no application to do Book Reviews.
There are no tools that facilitate discussion between book reviewer and book review reader. The purpose of this research is to design features of Book Review on Knowledge Management System (KMS in Bina Nusantara University. It is expected that book review features are useful for faculty members and staffs in doing book reviews. The methodology used in this study is literature study and design a KMS application using Microsoft SharePoint 2010 technology.
Conclusion of this research is the application of KMS Book Review in Bina Nusantara University can encourage book reviewers and facilitate book review readers to discuss and interact more optimally.Purnawan Adi Wicaksono2012-02-01Full Text Available Pengukuran kinerja pengadaan di Universitas Diponegoro telah dilakukan dengan melihat segi financial. Pengukuran secara finansial memiliki kelemahan yaitu tidak dapat menjelaskan apakah dengan penyerapan anggaran yang semakin besar maka akan semakin baik efisiensi dan kinerjanya.
Ukuran kinerja lain yang penting seperti ketepatan waktu pengiriman barang, kecocokan spesifikasi dan jumlah barang, hingga tujuan dan keinginan pengguna apakah sesuai atau tidak, belum terukur dengan jelas. Pengukuran kinerja pengadaan akan dilakukan menggunakan model Sink’s Seven Performance Criteria, yaitu model pengukuran kinerja yang menggambarkan suatu sistem manajemen sebagai suatu mekanisme untuk membangun siklus perbaikan yang lebih efektif. Hasil perancangan pengukuran kinerja terdiri dari 6 kriteria dengan urutan prioritas sebagai berikut: kriteria Kualitas (31%, kriteria Efisiensi (17.2%, kriteria Efektivitas (17.2%, kriteria Kualitas Kehidupan Kerja (13.8%, kriteria Budgetabilitas (11.6%, dan kriteria Inovasi (9.2%. Dari keenam kriteria kinerja tersebut, diperoleh rancangan akhir 32 KPI yang berisi: 17 KPI Kuantitatif dan 15 KPI Kualitatif. Berdasarkan hasil pengukuran kinerja dengan Objective Matrix dan Traffic Light System, menunjukkan bahwa kinerja pengadaan tahun 2007 adalah sebesar 4.564 yang berada dalam kategori warna kuning yang berarti pencapaian kinerjanya ini sudah cukup baik meskipun nilainya mendekati kategori buruk, sehingga masih perlu ditingkatkan lagi.
Dari hasil analisis Importance – Performance Matrix, diperoleh indikator-indikator yang berada dalam zona penting tetapi ternyata kinerjanya masih rendah. Indikator tersebut adalah Efisiensi waktu, Efisiensi jumlah personil, Pemborosan waktu, Pemborosan personil, Jumlah lelang gagal/lelang ulang, Jumlah keluhan pengguna, Jumlah penyedia ingkar kontrak, dan Inovasi proses. Oleh karena itu rekomendasi diutamakan untuk indikator-indikator di atas.
Kata Kunci: Pengukuran kinerja Pengadaan.Campos, Simara S.; Almeida, Geangela M. De; Souza, Suzana O.2009-01-01Incidents of excessive exposure of the population to ionizing radiation could result from a nuclear explosion, the direct exposure to a source theft or loss or an accidental exposure to a source without shielding, for example. During these incidents the victims seldom are using individual protection equipment used in the measurement and control of the doses that were exposed.
One of the ways found to the doses assessment due to exposure to this type of accident is the retrospective dosimetry, which determines the excessive doses of radiation exposure, whether chronological or acute, using common materials available in the public domain. The methodology for the application of retrospective dosimetry for thermoluminescence in buildings previously burned, as bricks, it is already well established.
Interest is now turning to the use of cementitious building materials such as mortar and concrete to enlarge the scope of application. This study aimed to examine some of these materials and techniques for their possible application in the doses assessment from an accidental irradiation by thermoluminescence. For this the peak about 225 deg C of natural quartz and it extracted of mortar and concrete was certain your stability for the plateau and storage tests, and also the dependence of your luminescent intensity with radiation dose. Presenting a life relatively tans compared enough to that of the accumulation of natural and long radiation sign for dosimetric applications, besides other favorable characteristics, the mortar presented evidence that is possible for retrospective dosimetry through thermoluminescence. (author).Fujisawa, A.; Iguchi, H.; Hamada, Y.1993-12-01A succinct model is proposed to describe non-ideal characteristics owing to electric field penetration into the drift region in actual parallel plate energy analyzers. A good agreement has been obtained between the theoretically expected and experimentally observed focus properties of the 30 deg parallel plate analyzer.
(author).Sri Handayani2017-01-01Full Text Available The even semester 2014/2015 Technical Information Engineering University of Semarang (USM has been running the Competency Based Curriculum (CBC in the management of learning. Conversions that occur in some subjects at an increase in scheduled meetings in the classroom or in the laboratory.
Computer Networks is one of the subjects who experienced a conversion. In the curriculum in 2008, Computer Networking has a number of credits 3. From the 2 credits 3 credits are for credits 1 credits for theory and practical credits. While at the CBC in 2013, Computer Networking has 4 credits, with details of 2 credits 2 credits theory and practicum. As lecture and instructor Computer Network, researchers interested in studying the effect of applying the CBC in 2013 in the subje ct of Computer Network. Does the addition of meeting practical and theoretical material renewal in accordance with the expected competencies?
Researchers tried applying the CBC in 2013 by conducting action research. Implementation of the research was conducted during an ongoing lecture that even semester 2015/2016. The results of the study during the first half of researchers will compare with the achievements that never existed when the old curriculum still in use. The goals of this research is, subjects in the Computer Network has always been one of the subjects that the content of the material and its application in the lab was able to follow the needs of the workforce.Prabu, Dinesh K.; Allen, Gary A., Jr.; Cappuccio, Gelsomina; Spilker, Thomas R.; Hwang, Helen H.; Moses, Robert W.2013-01-01The present study considers ballistic entries into the atmosphere of Venus using a 45 deg sphere-cone rigid aeroshell, a legacy shape that has been used successfully in the past in the Pioneer Venus Multiprobe Mission.
For a number of entry mass and capsule diameter combinations (i.e., various ballistic coefficients) and entry velocities, the trajectory space in terms of entry flight path angles between skip out and -30 is explored with a 3DOF trajectory code, TRAJ. Assuming that the thermal protection material of choice is carbon phenolic of flight heritage, the entry flight path angle space is constrained a posteriori by the mechanical and thermal performance parameters of the material. For mechanical performance, a 200 g limit is placed on the peak deceleration load and 10 bar is assumed as the limit for heritage carbon-phenolic material.
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It is shown that both constraints cannot be active simultaneously. For thermal performance, a heat flux 2.5 kW/sq cm is utilized as a threshold below which the heritage carbon phenolic is considered mass inefficient. Using these constraints, viable entry flight path angle corridors are determined. Analysis of the results also hints at the existence of a range of 'critical' ballistic coefficients beyond which the steepest possible entries are determined by the pressure limit of 10 bar. The results are verified against known performance of the various probes used in the Pioneer Venus mission. It is anticipated that the results presented here will serve as a baseline in the development of a new class of ablative materials for future Venus missions.MAUNA, MAUNA; SHABUR, MUHAMMAD ISHAK2017-01-01This study aims to determine the effect of big five personality on organizational commitment toward the lecturers State University Of Jakarta.
Personality trait is composed of five major trait that Opennes to Experience, Conscientiousness, Extraversion, Agreeableness and Neuroticism (OCEAN). The fifth trait of the personality trait will be seen any where that has an influence on the organizational commitment of the lecturers in Universitas Negeri Jakarta.
This research method using quantitati.Rennyta Yusiana2016-03-01Full Text Available Abstract - Promotion is one aspect that is important in marketing. Consumers are currently viewing a video or advertisement before buying a product. Apart from the functional or realistic appeal is also expected to attract emotionally advertising by using brand ambassadors. The purpose of this study was to determine whether there is a relationship characteristics Pond's brand ambassador (Gita Gutawa with consumer purchasing decisions. The population of this research is a student D3 Marketing Management totaling 178 Telkom University student. By using Slovin formula is obtained as a sample of 123 female students.
Engineering samples are used are non-probability sampling technique purposive sampling types. The method used is a simple linear regression. Data collection techniques were performed using questionnaires distributed to the respondents. The results showed that the variable Gita Gutawa as brand ambassador and variable consumer purchasing decisions can be approved by the continuum line of 88.27% and 86.93%. Influence Gita Gutawa as brand ambassador in influencing purchasing decisions amounted to 32%. Keywords: Advertising, Brand Ambassador, Purchase Decision.
Abstrak - Promosi merupakan salah satu aspek yang penting dalam sebuah pemasaran. Para konsumen saat ini melihat sebuah video atau iklan sebelum membeli suatu produk. Selain dari daya tarik fungsional atau realistik diharapkan pula iklan dapat menarik secara emosional dengan menggunakan brand ambassador. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui apakah ada hubungan karakteristik brand ambassador Pond’s (Gita Gutawa dengan keputusan pembelian konsumen. Populasi penelitian ini adalah mahasiswi D3 Manajemen Pemasaran Universitas Telkom yang berumlah 178 mahasiswi. Dengan menggunakan rumus Slovin didapatkan sebanyak 123 mahasiswi yang menjadi sampel. Teknik sampel yang digunakan adalah teknik non probability sampling jenis purposive sampling.
Metode penelitian yang.Savage, D.1984-01-01A monzogranite was reacted with water in hydrothermal solution equipment at 100 deg C, 50 MPa for 203 days, during which time six fluid samples were extracted at run temperature and pressure for chemical analysis. Fluid samples were analysed using ICP, INAA and standard wet chemical techniques and data are presented for 18 chemical species.
Solids were examined using XRD and SEM. The high temperature speciation of the fluid phase chemistry was investigated using the geochemical software package EQ3/6. The evolution of the fluid phase chemistry is discussed in terms of mineral-fluid equilibria and the kinetics of mineral dissolution and precipitation reactions. The implications of these results to the modelling of the near-field geochemical environment of a high-level radioactive waste repository in granitic rock are discussed. (author).Nurul Qomariah2015-12-01Full Text Available This study aims to identify and describe the management of the University of Muhammadiyah Jember performance as measured using the Balanced Scorecard approach from the perspective of customers, growth and learning. The population in this study consisted of students, lecturers / professors and employees of the University of Muhammadiyah Jember.
Results of the study found that the performance of the University of Muhammadiyah Jember in 2008 as measured by the Balanced Scorecard approach from the perspective of customer total score was 6.6% and from the perspective of growth and learning total score of 13.7%. Thus University of Muhammadiyah Jember in 2008 viewed from the aspect of customers and aspects of growth and learning can be categorized as a company that has a good performance.Rennyta Yusiana; Rifaatul Maulida2016-01-01Abstract - Promotion is one aspect that is important in marketing. Consumers are currently viewing a video or advertisement before buying a product. Apart from the functional or realistic appeal is also expected to attract emotionally advertising by using brand ambassadors. The purpose of this study was to determine whether there is a relationship characteristics Pond's brand ambassador (Gita Gutawa) with consumer purchasing decisions. The population of this research is a student D3 Marketing.Wiwik Melwinda2017-04-01Full Text Available This research aims to find out laptop brand selection perceptual map of among Telkom University students. The object of this research study are some of incoming laptop brand in Top Brand 2016 which are Acer, Lenovo, Asus, Toshiba, HP, Samsung and Apple.
The attributes of the study are design instrument, operation system, variation, feature set, specification, processor, battery resistance, product price, price resale, warranty, LCD display, storage capacity, product quality, sustainability to defect, and keyboard quality. This research used quantitative method. Research instrument used was a questionnaire, which distributed to 100 respondent sample area of the object of research. In taking a sample of this study, the researcher used Non-Probability technique by using purposive sampling method. The data analysis that used is multidimensional scalling analysis, this analysis gives perception map picture, appeared the position of each laptop brand that is close together or far apart. Laptop brand that showed in a perceptual map will display rank of the best position than another laptop brand.
As perception, Apple occupies the first best position among another best laptop brands. That is proved by the rank position from respondents preference based on overall attributes which is more excellent in design, operation system, variation, feature set, specification, processor, battery resistance, product quality, and keyboard quality. For price product attribute is occupied by Lenovo as the cheapest rather than another laptop brands. Meanwhile, for the LCD display attribute, price resale, and storage capacity are occupied by Asus which get the second best rank based overall attribute.Retno Ariyani Puji Lestari2017-10-01Full Text Available This study aims to find out the influence of self efficacy, social environment, access to capital, and ownership of social networks on student entrepreneurship attitude of Accounting Education Program year 2013 UNNES either simultaneously or partially.
The population in this study were students of Accounting Education class of 2013 amounting to 190 students and 129 students sample after treatment with the standard formula Slovin error of 5% then using Random Propotional Sampling as the sampling technique. This study used a questionnaire as a data collection tool. Data were analyzed using descriptive statistical analysis and regression analysis. The results showed that self-efficacy, social environment, access to capital, and the ownership of social network influence simultaneously to accounting education student entrepreneurship attitude (70%. Partially self efficacy affected student entrepreneurship attitude (44,09%, social environment does not affected students entrepreneurship attitude (0,19%, access to capital does not affected student entrepreneurship attitude (0,05%, and ownership of social networks affected student entrepreneurship attitude (13,76%.Bertho Molly2017-12-01Wi-Fi UKSW merupakan fasilitas jaringan internet yang dibangun untuk memfasilitasi dan mendukung kebutuhan civitas UKSW dalam proses belajar mengajar. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah melakukan pengukuran bagaimana tingkat pemanfaatan Sistem Informasi dan Teknologi Informasi berdasarkan kinerja karyawan Wi-Fi UKSW.
Penelitian ini menggunakan metode IT Balanced Scorecard sebagai sarana pengukuran yang jelas, memantau dan mengoptimalkan realisasi dari nilai atau manfaat bisnis dan manfaat Teknologi Informasi dimana IT Balanced Scorecard mempunyai 4 perspektif (Perspektif Kontribusi Perusahaan, Perspektif Orientasi Pengguna, Perspektif Penyempurnaan Operasional, dan Perspektif Orientasi Masa Depan. Penelitian ini dimulai dari tahapan perencanaan, tahapan studi kelayakan awal dan studi literature, tahapan wawancara dan observasi, tahapan analisis data, serta tahapan membuat dan menyusun laporan serta rekomendasi menggunakan IT Balanced Scorecard. Adapun beberapa hal yang ditemukan dalam penelitian ini dan harus ditangani yaitu, dibutuhkannya penambahan Sumber Daya Manusia (SDM untuk membantu kinerja Wi-Fi UKSW baik dalam hal penanganan complain maupun penyelesaian proyek mengingat Wi-Fi UKSW selalu dibutuhkan dan digunakan oleh semua civitas UKSW serta perlu adanya evaluasi dan upgrade terhadap sistem aplikasi monitoring Wi-Fi. Karena sebagai sarana penyedia layanan jaringan internet yang mana semua yang dilakukan karyawan Wi-Fi UKSW berhubungan erat dengan Sistem Informasi dan Teknologi Informasi dan hasilnya, yang kehadirannya memberikan nilai manfaat yang baik khususnya bagi kemajuan kinerja karyawan Wi-Fi UKSW.
Kata kunci: Kinerja SI dan TI, IT Balanced Scorecard, Wi-Fi UKSW Abstract Wi-Fi SWCU is an internet network facility built to facilitate and support the needs of SWCU civities in teaching and learning. The purpose of this research is take measurements of what is the level the use of Information Systems and Information Technology based on of employee performance.Satrio, Bayu Dwi; Pratama, Gema Putra; Tudjono, Sri; Wibowo, Hardi2016-01-01The Main Lecture Building of Engineering Faculty of Diponegoro University construction process start form June 2010 and be expected to finish at November 2010 but until October 2015 this building can not used as it planned because the construction process have some trouble. Design of this building still use the old guidence that is Earthquake SNI 03-1726-2002.
This day that guidence has been updated become Earthquake SNI 03-1726-2012. Because of that this building need to studied so the build.Widyawati, Suci; Farida, Naili; Wijayanto, Andi2013-01-01BlackBerry smartphone is one of the leading products in Indonesia. BlackBerry has a high market share compared with other brands of smartphone, but BlackBerry users consumer satisfaction index has declined. It is very influential on consumer loyalty to BlackBerry mobile phone. This study aimed to determine the effect of product quality, price and customer value on customer satisfaction BlackBerry mobile phone. Population in this research is a BlackBerry mobile phone users in FISIP UNDIP Semar.Sutan Rachman WHS2014-12-01Full Text Available Konsep pengembangan manusia secara menyeluruh merupakan solusi atas perubahan fenomena sosial saat ini yang menyebabkan kehidupan seseorang tidak menyatu karena lingkungan pekerjaan atau tempat kerja hanya menjadi tempat untuk mencari hal-hal profan (duniawi dan tidak mempunyai ruang untuk sesuatu yang sakral atau suci. Akibat dari adanya pemisahan ini, seseorang lebih terfokus hidupnya untuk menggeluti dunia karir tanpa memperhatikan kehidupan batinnya.
Fenomena tersebut menumbuhkan kesadaran untuk menghubungkan aspek spiritualitas individu dengan pengelolaan pekerjaan atau lingkungan kerja, melalui konsep workplace spirituality. Dalam studi akademis, workplace spirituality merupakan bidang yang masih baru dan masih terus dikembangkan, namun sebagian besar studi masih dilakukan di Amerika Serikat dan Kanada, dan sangat sedikit sekali yang dilakukan di luar kedua negara tersebut.
Berdasarkan hal itu, penelitian ini bermaksud untuk memperkaya topik workplace spirituality dari sudut pandang administrator publik di Indonesia melalui pendekatan fenomenologi, dengan menggunakan metode kualitatif, penelitian ini menghasilkan dua sudut pandang terkait workplace spirituality, pertama adalah sudut pandang agama dan yang kedua adalah sudut pandang intrinsik - alamiah, kedua sudut pandang tersebut sama – sama bertujan untuk memberikan makna dalam bentuk ekspresi positif dalam lingkungan kerja.
6 WELCOME NOTE Om Swastiastu, Assalamualaikum Warahmatullahi Wabarakatuh, May God Bless us all. We are offering our most sincere gratitude to Ida Sang Hyang Widi Wasa/Tuhan Yang Maha Esa, God Almighty, for the graces that have been bestowed upon us so that we can all gather here to hold the first International Conference on Innovative Research Across Discipline and the third National Seminar on Innovative Research, themed Reinforcing the Nation s Identity through Innovative, Excellent and Exceptional Research.
These convergent conferences were initiated and organized by the Research Institute of Ganesha University of Education. Therefore, I congratulate the Research Institute of Ganesha University for having established this academic vessel that allows lecturers and researchers around Ganesha and universities across the globe to sit together for sharing experiences and knowledge in Science, Technology, Humanity, and Education. Honourable professors, Academic publications in acreditted international journals plays an important role in providing a medium for self actualization that allows academicians, scholars and researchers to participate in the global development of science and technology. Countries with the best quality of education and development of science and technology are generally the countries from where the most esteemed international publications come. This is where International Conference on Innovative Research Accross Discipline and National Seminar on Innovative Research come forward to provide the space for researches to publish their research findings. Research is a never-ending process, it doesn t stop with the concluding chapter. It should be disseminated, to reach out to the targeted development in the society, hence preventing university to stand only decoratively like an ivory tower.
Dear Valued Scholars, We belong to the 21 st Century that is nevertheless the most innovative century in the history of humankind. Whether we want to admit it or not, we are in the middle of the most violent flux of development, where technology is the driver for change. As technology develops in unprecedented speed, we too have to change and adapt. The only reason that we fail in this age is our ineptitude to read the signs provided by history. If we can stand out, that is because we work hard enough to adapt with these changes. Respectable researchers, Thank you for joining our 1st International Conference on Innovative Research Accross Discipline and the 3rd National Seminar on Innovative Research, let me wish you the most fruitful conferences.
May these conferences brings plentiful benefits for us, science and technology, the global society, and humanity. Om Santhi, Shanti, Shanti, Om. Singaraja, 13 November 2015 Rector of Ganesha University of Education Dr. I Nyoman Jampel, M.Pd.
NIP vi7 Table of Contents THE EFFECT OF PROBLEM-BASED TEACHING MODEL AND METACOGNITIVE ABILITY ON IMPROVEMENT IN MATHEMATICAL PROBLEM SOLVING ABILITY OF THE STUDENTS OF POLYCLINICS WITH PRIOR KNOWLEDGE AS COVARIABLE. 46 retrospective analysis (Bakker & van Eerde, 2015). The teaching experiment consist of two cycles. In each cycle, different group of students participated. The first cycle was implemented in a small group with four students of VB MIN 2 Palembang. During the first cycle, the researcher acted as the teacher.
The findings of the first cycle was used to revise the designed learning trajectory which was used in the next cycle. The second cycle was implemented in a whole class of VA MIN 2 Palembang, with 32 students and their mathematics teacher. This paper will be focused on the result of the second cycle. The data were collected from students written works, field notes, audio and video taping during the teaching experiment. The gathered data were analyzed qualitatively to get a deep understanding of how pattern investigation can be used as a pre-algebraic activity.
Five lessons with pattern activities were designed in this study. The learning materials were designed according to the tenets of Realistic Mathematics Education (RME). Hence, the learning did start by exploring realistic phenomena. The term realistic is not restricted to the real world problems, but more to the things students can imagine.
In this study we used the context of dancing and focused on regularities on it. Also, the designed learning materials should be related to other topics in mathematics or other knowledge.
Hence, in this study the pattern activities combined concept of arithmetic, algebra and geometry. Furthermore this study promotes the use of models, which aims to bridge the students conceptualization from reality in the real world to the abstract world in mathematics (Treffers, 1987). In line with the principles of RME, we designed classroom environment which provide a chance for the students to do their own construction. And finally, the interaction between students and teacher should be in three directions: students to students, students to teacher, and teacher to students.
Discussion Of Results We started our teaching experiment by observing the classroom culture in class VA MIN 2 Palembang. We interviewed the mathematics teacher in the chosen class and discussed the overview of the present study. We also tested the students ability in arithmetic as a pre-requisite for working with the designed materials. From the analysis of the students works in the pre-test, we found that they had sufficient understanding in arithmetic, which is showed by their ability to do basic arithmetic operations and to continue a simple number series. Furthermore, we noticed that the students had a strong will to do one by one counting; they lacked effort to search for more efficient strategies in nonroutine problem. This tendency can be shown in the following pre-test problem: Determine whether the following picture has odd or even beads, see Figure 1.
Does this picture has even beads? We had expected the students to notice the relation between the paired-color beads and the meaning of even, as it is tiring to count the beads one by one since there are so many beads. However, to solve this problem, most students in fact used counting by one method. The following Figure 2 showed the solution of one of the students. Example of students work to solve the beads problem This finding underlines the usefulness of conducting research in the field of prealgebra, as it shows that the students sense of structure is still limited. According to Zazkis&Liljedahl (2002), sense of structure 3747 is the ability to create self-reference.
This is useful to develop the ability to generalize, the core of learning algebra. From the solutions given by the students, as in the example of Figure 2, we can conclude that the students know which numbers are even and which numbers are odd, but most of them were not developing more advance strategy to determine whether the beads on the Figure 1 come with odd or even numbers. We conducted the first lesson on March 16, The teacher started the series of lessons by proposing a plan to participate in Palembang Expo, an annual event in Palembang. The students were told that they were going to perform a Saman Dance, from Aceh. Each students would get a number that showed their position in the dancing group and indicate the colors of their costume, as shown in Figure 3.
Illustration of the number As a start the students were asked to check the color of the costume used by the students with number 9 and 10. The students had no difficulty in answering this preliminary question. After that, the teacher asked the students to work in pairs, with the person next to them, to find out the color of costume used by the 12 th, 25 th and then the 100 th dancers. It was our hypothesis, that the students would use a listing method, by making groups of 10 (finding the color used by the 10 th students and then multiplying up till the needed numbers) and that they would discover the odd/even rule (the students with odd numbers will use red, students with even numbers will use white). In the real classroom situation, the students were using the strategies that we had predicted. One of the pair used a halving method.
This means, the students start by stating a number and then finding a half of it. The students of our focus group kept counting until they found the color of the costume that was used by the 25 th. However, when they had to find the color of the costume of the 100 th dancer, they developed another idea and used the halving method. The arguments of the students can be seen in the following Fragment 1. Fragment 1: Halving 1 Researcher: If you continue to count 2 it, how will you find the 3 costume color 4 of the 100 th dancer? 5 Arkam: Divide.
6 Researcher: Divide by what 7 number? 8 Naurah: Divide by two. 9 Researcher: Divide by two? And 10 then?
11 Arkam: Halving 50. 12 Naurah: Halving again. 13 Arkam: 25 is red, and add again until you get 100, that also red. Fragment 1 shows how the choice of reference number is important. When the students tried to use 25 as their reference and doubled it, they drew a wrong conclusion with respect to the 100 th number. During the discussion, however, Arkam and Naurah realize that something was wrong in the way they used halving method. Arkam started questioning whether 100 is even or odd number.
Arkam and Naurah might realize it a bit later, but some other pairs got an insight that they merely need to distinguish odd and even numbers from the first time they saw the illustration as is showed in Figure 3. This kind of problem seems helpful to develop an awareness of the global view of the pattern. Instead of seeing the number and the color as separate objects, it will more efficient to point out the unit pattern, which is the smallest arrangement that is repeated in the series. In this case the unit pattern is red and white, as these two colors is going to repeat forever or until the latest number of students.
In the next meeting we discussed about the V-pattern, which was embodied in a dance formation. The context is the same as in the first lesson, which was about cultural event. Given the first four V-dance formations that are shown in Figure 4, the task is to find out the number of dancers in the 100 th formation Figure 4. The V-formation In the third meeting the problem focuses on a square pattern, while in the fourth meeting the students have to transform the square into rectangular pattern. The lesson series was ended by halving the rectangular into triangular pattern in the fifth lessons. In all these lessons the task focuses on how to find out the number of dancers in a certain 3848 number of formations. It starts by a small number of formations and continues with bigger numbers.
The aim is to encourage students to use more and more efficient strategies. In each lesson, we gave the students drawings that illustrated the given pattern problems (like the illustration of the V-formation in Figure 4). The visualization of the patterns had two roles, it illustrated the problem and it could be used as a model to check the structure of the pattern.
Conclusion Based on our analysis of the findings, we conclude that investigation of patterns can be used as a meaningful pre-algebraic activity that will support the students development of structure sense. When students build their own reference in a certain pattern, they will be able to see the global structure of the pattern and formulate a general conclusion.
As we already pointed out, however, it is important to create situation that encourage the students feel the need of general formula, as they cannot rely on the drawing, listing or recursive formula method. Acknowledgement The first author is the awardee of International Master Program on Mathematics Education (IMPoME) scholarship ( ). This study was granted by Indonesian Directorate of Higher Education (DIKTI) in collaboration with NufficNeso. References Bakker, A., & Van Eerde, H.
An introduction to design-based research with an example from statistics education. Bikner-Ahsbahs, C.
Knipping, & N. Presmeg (Eds.), Approaches to Qualitative Research in Mathematics Education (pp ). New York: Springer. Doi: / 16 Brawner, B.
Teaching and learning with technology: Reforming the algebra classroom. Southwest Teaching and Learning Conference (pp. San Antonio: Texas A&M Univeristy. M., & Joffrion, H.
Algebraic equations: Can middle-school students meaningfully translate from words to mathematical symbols? Reading Psychology, 27, Carraher, D. W., Martinez, M. V., & Schliemann, A.
Insert image into pdf online. Jul 01, 2013 Using Adobe Acrobat to insert Image to PDF. Then look for the “Tools” tab and select “Edit PDF”. Click “Add Image” on the top and using the browse option to choose the specific image to be inserted into the file. Click your mouse in any part of PDF to insert picture and manually customize its size and location. PDFill PDF Filler: Image Tool. You can use this tool to insert an image (digital photo, scanned signature or clipboard) into PDF document anywhere. You can move, resize, rotate with Frame Lines, Whiteout (fill color or background) and PDF Action into this image object. You can make the image transparent.
Early algebra and mathematical generalization. ZDM Mathematics Education, 40, doi: /s Dekker, T., & Dolk, M. From Arithmetic to Algebra. Drijvers (Ed.), Secondary algebra education: Revisiting topic and themes and exploring the unknowns (pp ). Rotterdam: Sense Publishers.
Herbert, K., & Brown, R. Patterns as tools for algebraic reasoning. Moses (Ed.), Algebraic Thinking, Grade K-12: Readings from NCTM's School-Based Journals and Other Publications (pp ). Reston VA: National Council of Teachers of Mathematics. Jupri, A., Drijvers, P., & van den Heuvel- Panhuizen, M. Difficulties in initial algebra learning in Indonesia. Mathematics Education Research Group of Australasia, doi: /s Lee, L., & Wheeler, D.
Algebraic thinking in high school students: Their conceptions of generalisation and justification. Montreal: Concordia University. The Potential of patterning activities to generalization. (Ed.), Proceedings of the 31st Conference of the International Group for the Psychology of Mathematics Education.3, pp Seoul: PME. National Council of Teachers of Mathematics.
Principles and standards for school mathematics. Reston, VA: Author. Three dimensions: A model of goal and theory description in mathematics instruction - the Wiskobas project. Dordrecht: D. Reidel Publishing Company. Patterns- a fundamental idea of mathematical thinking and learning.
ZDM, 37, Zazkis, R., & Liljedahl, P. Generalization of patterns: The tension between algebraic thinking and algebraic notation. Educational Studies in Mathematics,49 The Study of Potentials and Problems in Reading Faced By the Eighth Grade Students of Junior High School Ida Ayu Made IstriUtami English Education Department Ganesha University of Education Abstract Knowing students problems, especially in reading, is very important to design an appropriate and meaningful learning. From the problem identification, teacher can find the potency of designing and developing material to meet students need.
Therefore, this study was aimed to identify the potentials and problems toward reading lesson faced by the eighth grade students of Junior High School. This study was based on the result of classroom observation, document study, and also checklists. The identification of potency and problems through classroom observation was done to obtain data on how existing reading material was used in teaching reading on the classroom. There was also document study to evaluate existing reading material and syllabus used for teaching reading.
Then, the data from the teacher and students had been gathered by administering checklists. From the result of the study, it can be identified that the problems faced by the eighth grade students of Junior High School in reading dealt with topic selection, pictures or illustration, and reading activities, while the potency was to develop new reading material by using those problems as consideration. Keywords: problem, potency, reading 1.
Introduction Reading involves both conscious and unconscious thinking process(beatrice, 1990). The quality of a good reader has good linguistically and conceptually idea with modification of new information.they constructexpectationsandpredictions which will be reinforced, modified or challenged reading in the end of reading process.bartlett ( 1932) called as schema theory as the world (k nowledge and experience) is influenced b y the information from the reading text. Byrnes (1998) states that traditionally, the purpose of learning to read in a language has been to have access to the literature written in that language. In language instruction, reading materials have traditionally been chosen from literary texts that represent 'higher' forms of culture.
He also says that this approach assumes that students learn to read a language by studying its vocabulary, grammar, and sentence structure, not by actually reading it. In this approach, lower level learners read only sentences and paragraphs generated by textbook writers and instructors. The reading of authentic materials is limited to the works of great authors and reserved for upper level students who have developed the language skills needed to read them. Manzo, Manzo and Albee (2003) states that learning to read involves acquiring and applying strategies for phonetic decoding for building a growing store of sight words, and for reconstructive and constructive comprehension of text. Furthermore, Byrnes (1998) claims that the communicative approach to language teaching has given instructors a different understanding of the role of reading in the language classroom and the types of texts that can be used in instruction.
When the goal of instruction is communicative competence, everyday materials such as train schedules, newspaper articles, and travel and tourism Web sites become appropriate classroom materials, because reading them is one way communicative competence is developed. Instruction in reading and reading practice thus become essential parts of language teaching at every level.
Reading is an activity with a purpose. A person may read in order to gain information or verify existing knowledge, or in order to critique a writer's ideas or writing style. A person may also read for 4050 enjoyment, or to enhance knowledge of the language being read. The purpose(s) for reading guide the reader's selection of texts. The purpose for reading also determines the appropriate approach to reading comprehension. A person who needs to know whether she can afford to eat at a particular restaurant needs to comprehend the pricing information provided on the menu, but does not need to recognize the name of every appetizer listed. A person reading poetry for enjoyment needs to recognize the words the poet uses and the ways they are put together, but does not need to identify main idea and supporting details.
However, a person using a scientific article to support an opinion needs to know the vocabulary that is used, understand the facts and cause-effect sequences that are presented, and recognize ideas that are presented as hypotheses and givens. Reading research shows that good readers Read extensively Integrate information in the text with existing knowledge Have a flexible reading style, depending on what they are reading Are motivated Rely on different skills interacting: perceptual processing, phonemic processing, recall Read for a purpose; reading serves a function Reading is also an interactive process that goes on between the reader and the text, resulting in comprehension. The text presents letters, words, sentences, and paragraphs that encode meaning. The reader uses knowledge, skills, and strategies to determine what that meaning is.