Morrowind Merchant Gold Reset
Posted : admin On 28.09.2019Sujamma is Morrowind's liquid PCP - it adds 50 points to strength for 60 seconds and knocks of 50 intelligence for the same time. Oh no, you might not be able to cast spells for a minute!
Quote:Originally posted by war-ped:Well I was wondering around Morrowind (was actualy looking for caldera cause I hear there is a really good merchant who has 5k and pays full price) not really doing quests or anything and I decided to go past ghostgate, I came to a 'training facility' or something, anyway I found this awsome sword, but when I try to use it, it kills me.anyone care to wrap their head around that one OoThe merchant your looking for is the Creeper. Hes a Scamp who pays full price for just about anything, except alchamy (sp?) stuff. Hes in Magorak Manor (I think thats the name). You'll know it when you see it because there is nothing but naked orcs in it and it is all broken down. I liken it to a moon sugar house.Where is this training facility? What is the name of the sword?
What are the enchantments on the sword? You have to keep in mind, there are many things in Morrowind that are cursed.Rabbite. Ok, one of the quests for the Redoran I'm required to stop Oandres Nerano from spreading slanders about the Redorans.
I know where he is, the problem is that I killed him already for a previous Thieves Guild quest where I had to steal Crocodillyic Brandy from his house for Sugar-Lips. As far as I know the game is either supposed to skip over quests where the suspect has already been killed, or automaticly complete the quest.
Well, it obviously didn't skip the quest but when I return to Silvani he just plays dumb. Is there any way I can use the console to skip the quest or reset Nerano so I can kill him?Rabbite. Quote:Originally posted by Rabbite:Ok, one of the quests for the Redoran I'm required to stop Oandres Nerano from spreading slanders about the Redorans. I know where he is, the problem is that I killed him already for a previous Thieves Guild quest where I had to steal Crocodillyic Brandy from his house for Sugar-Lips. As far as I know the game is either supposed to skip over quests where the suspect has already been killed, or automaticly complete the quest. Well, it obviously didn't skip the quest but when I return to Silvani he just plays dumb. Is there any way I can use the console to skip the quest or reset Nerano so I can kill him?RabbiteTry 'Oandres Nerano'-resurrect in the console.
I haven't tried it, but I saw this on a website. Quote:Originally posted by Rabbite:Ok, one of the quests for the Redoran I'm required to stop Oandres Nerano from spreading slanders about the Redorans.
I know where he is, the problem is that I killed him already for a previous Thieves Guild quest where I had to steal Crocodillyic Brandy from his house for Sugar-Lips. As far as I know the game is either supposed to skip over quests where the suspect has already been killed, or automaticly complete the quest. Well, it obviously didn't skip the quest but when I return to Silvani he just plays dumb. Is there any way I can use the console to skip the quest or reset Nerano so I can kill him?Rabbitethe thieves guild quest told you to get brandy from Ralen Hlaalu's house, and he was already dead. You were supposed to get Ondres Nerano's key to the manor and you didnt have to kill him to get it (if you're a good thief).
If you wanted to kill someone for that quest you should've killed his servant at the Council Club in Balmora who is a member of the Cammona Tong and also had the key. Quote:Originally posted by mcdermos:Is there any benefit to being the boss of the Legions other than cheap repairs and barter.

I thought perhaps after beating the previous leader i would get to have some guards to order round or perhaps some land of my ownyeah, you want to beat him, you know that kick ass mail (the lords that another guy was trying to fond. Hint, go into the shrin that you get the key to and there is a hidden passageway, don't need no waterbreathing) and the kick ass paladin's sword that you had to get earlier, well when you become the Knight of the Imperial Dragon you get em of his body very nice stuff.
Quote:but this many mission bugs and dead ends. I bgin to wonder if they even played the game before they sold it.I've put many hours into this game and so far have yet to run into a 'dead end' as you put it.
If you've killed someone in the game that has a quest depending on them, well, tough shit. If you stole an object and then sold it somewhere you can't recall, tough shit.
That's the way real life works, too. Remember that you don't.have. to kill anyone in the game, even if they attack you. You always have plenty of options. In fact, on some quests you can go back to your boss and lie to the guy and say you did it, when in fact you did something else. I have no sympathy because the designers left you plenty of options which you did not choose to exercise.
In any case, any of the guild quests or house quests, or the other side quests that you get by randomly meeting people all just that: SIDE QUESTS. If you've found a bug or design flaw that prevents you from finishing the main quest (Blades quests) then let's hear it.All told this game has been very fun for me to play, and I haven't run into.any. dead ends resulting from bugs and/or design flaws like I did with, say, Black and White, or Vampire: The Masquerade. Quote:Originally posted by minus:So has anyone else experienced the 'locked in Assemandu shrine' bug (I'm assuming it's a bug)?It is a bug, AFAIK.There was a post somewhere in one of the Morrowind posts about it, but I cannot find it, so I'll paraphrase.The door can't be opened from inside without a certain key, i.e. It can't be picked from the inside - but it can from the outside. So you can get in without that key, but you can't get out without it, and the only key is outside the room. There are two ways to solve the problem.
The first is to edit that room in the editor, and make the door unlocked from the inside. The second is to use the console to give yourself the relevant key. (I don't know the command, but doubtless someone clever can find it.) You could also use the editor to drop a copy of the relevant key inside the room, too, I suppose. Ok, a few things here, I have my Hlaalu stronghold now, which sucks compared to the Redoran one (i stumbled upon it and killed everyone becuase they all attacked me) I havent seen the Telvanni one yet but I'm about to for a Hlaalu quest, anyhow, do I get more people over there as my rank increases or something?
Its already finished and I'm a House Father right now so I dont see how much could improve as i ascend the ranks, just wondering. And about Shudan-Raplay mine, I hired both the slave in Tel Ahrun and the unemployed miners in Gnisis and I go up to my mine and there is nobody there. Whats the deal? Next: how do you choose which soul gem to use when trapping souls? And can you only trap beasties souls or can you trap peoples souls as well? I only started with magic recently because im a pretty accomplished redguard assassin now (level 37) and was looking to be more versatile if I'm going to be this 'prophesized one,' plus i saw yous guys talking about enchanting armor and stuff and it sounded cool so i wanted in.
Souls themselves just provide charges. You can enchant any spell effect that you know (ie, have a spell that employs that effect) with any sould. The more powerful the soul, the more powerful the enchantment.If you look in the manual, it gives basic descriptions for the effects available for each school of magic. Once you know any spell effect- say restore health- you can then design new spells that use that effect or enchant items using that effect.Personally, I would suggest making your own spells rather than enchanting stuff, as spell making is far less expensive amd offers much more flexability. The only things I really add enchantments to are weapons for elemental damage and a few rings and clothing for constant effects.
Morrowind Ebonheart Merchants
I usually keep a decent supply of common sould gems for recharging. Everything else can be done with spells.dasein. Quote:so how do you know what soul does what?Soul gems give a numerical valve, not an effect. Certain spells cost certain ammounts, and the better the Soul gem, the more (and better) spells you can fit on an item.quote:If only I could hire a silt strider or guild guide for my stronghold, that would make life much easier.To travel to other places: insert an NPC with the travel service into your stronghold using the TES editor.To travel to your fort: Add your fort the to destinations of other travel services.quote:ok i just got this ring or amulet that puts a Mark on self, what does that do then?When you cast a 'Mark' spell, it places a marker where you are standing. Later on, you can cast a 'Recall' spell, which will teleport you back to the marker you placed.