Put Phone On Standby
Posted : admin On 13.09.2019The Standy mode is very useful if you have a magnetized holster. By placing the phone into the holster, it automatically goes into Standby. Remove it from the holster, and it takes you back to the main screen.
How To Put My Phone On Standby
You can also change your notification settings to make them specific to in-holster vs out-of-holster. With the holster, there is no need to press any additional keys nor lock the keyboard.That's pretty cool! I didn't realize that. I have a magnetized holster, but I kept locking the keypad prior to putting it in the holster. That's cool that I don't need to do that.Thanks! That's ok, at least your searching. Your screen should turn off in a second or 2, and pressing any key will do nothing.
How to merge skype and microsoft accounts 2016. The cost of leaving things on standby. Despite internet rumour to the contrary, leaving appliances on standby doesn’t use the same amount of electricity as when they are actually on but the older the model, the more electricity it is likely to use its in this mode.
Put Phone On Standby Tv
If not you may think you have a magnetic holster, but do not. You can also check by placing the BB outside the holster, in the same position as it would be in. I do that when I'm home. That way it's in sleep mode for the battery, and if I get a message, when I pick it up the message automatically opens.When I got my Pearl, it came with a pocket pouch that contained a magnet, but the holster had none. Maybe that is the case with yours too?
In Google Talk that is an option now with android 4.2 TalkMenu (three buttons top right is the universal android 'menu' button)SettingsIM NotificationsOpen DialogFor SMS there are a lot of third party apps like Handscent (.) that allow you to have the pop up as well.For Email, if you use the Gmail App you only get notifications on the notification bar, the same goes for google voice if you are using it for SMS.I usually just go with the notification light blinking and knowing I have some kind of message. Hope this helps. Thanks,so basically, I will have to get an app to make the notifications pop up while the phone is on standby? Strange why they didnt put in the featureThe great thing about Android is you can put in the features you want.
You really get to make these phones your own. Ragnarokx just listed that great popup app, I had not seen that but it is a great option. Another app you should check out if you don't want your screen to always turn on is which lets you change the blinking LED to whatever color you would like for each different kind of notification your phone has.