Sadeletirilmi Risale I Nur Indir

Posted : admin On 14.09.2019
Sadeletirilmi Risale I Nur Indir Average ratng: 8,2/10 8260 reviews

As someone born and raised in Britain, I am often asked what we as Muslims have to offer to the West. But before I answer, I should like to ask a question myself: Are we Muslims because we believe in Allah, or do we believe in Allah because we are Muslims?Finally, I would say this: After many years of searching and comparing, I can say that the Risale-i Nur is the only self-contained, comprehensive Islamic work that sees the cosmos as it actually is, presents the reality of belief as it truly is, interprets the Qur’an as our Prophet intended, diagnoses the real and very dangerous diseases that afflict modern man, and offers a cure. A work such as the Risale-i Nur, which reflects the light of the Qur’an and illuminates the cosmos, cannot be ignored. Gta 5 lspdfr download ps4. For only Islam stands between modern man and catastrophe, and I believe that the future of Islam depends on the Risale-i Nur and on those who follow and are inspired by its teachings.Dr.

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Sadeletirilmi Risale I Nur IndirNur

Colin Turner. Moses, Jesus and Muhammad DetailsWritten by Ali UnalIslam, as the last, universal form of the Divine religion, orders its followers to believe in all of the Prophets. Being a Muslim also means being a follower of Jesus and Moses and of all the other Prophets at the same time.The Qur’an declares:The Messenger (Muhammad) believes in what has been revealed to him by his Lord, and so do the believers. They all believe in God and His angels, His Scriptures and His Messengers: ‘ We make no distinction between any of His Messengers’—and they say: ‘We hear and obey.

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Grant us Your forgiveness, our Lord; to You is the journeying (2.285).